Mobil uygulamamiz yenilendi AppStore/Google Play’den guncelleyin.
Degisiklikler sunlar:
- Ogrenciler artik her zaman gorus yazabilecekler (Write a review secenegi eklendi)
Lutfen gorus yazin, yeni ogrenciler icin cok faydali oluyor :)
- Mesaj geldiginde uyari gelmesindeki sorun giderildi
Bir kullanici size mesaj attiginda ekraniniza uyari geliyor Telefonunuzun ayarlarindan uyarilarin bu uygulama icin acik olmasi gerekiyor
- Mesajlasmada yasanan bazi sorunlar giderildi (mesajin karsi tarafa ulasmamasi gibi)
Mobil uygulama asagidaki durumlarda dogru calismiyor:
Koyu mod - eger telefonunuzu Koyu Mod'da kullaniyorsaniz mesaj ekrani siyah gorunuyor ve mesajlari goremiyorsunuz.
Turkce takvim - uygulamada gonullunun takviminde ders ayarlama islevi sadece telefon diliniz Ingilizce ise dogru calisiyor. Telefon diliniz Turkce ise sorunlar yasanabiliyor.
Our mobile app is updated Please update via AppStore/Google Play.
The changes are:
- The issue with notifications is solved
You should receive a notification on your screen when a user sends you a message.
Please make sure your notifications are on for this app via your phone’s settings.
- Issues related to messaging is solved
Eg. Messages not reaching the other user
- Students can write a review anytime (Write a review option added to the app main screen after Login)
This change does not impact the volunteers.
We encourage the students to write a review on the app as it tremendously helps new students.
Please note that the app does not support the following features fully:
Dark mode - if you use your phone in dark mode, your message screen becomes dark on our app
Turkish calendar - the app calendar works properly only if your phone’s language is English. If you or your students use the phone in Turkish language, then the calendar function on our app does not work properly.